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Content Creator Stack

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front)

Here's the Bottom Line Up Front for Content Creator Agreements.  

The biggest issue that I see in these agreements is uncertainty. Unclear deliverables, unclear timelines, and unclear specifications lead to a lot of uncertainty and wiggle room for the other party to argue that the work product did not "meet the specifications." Squash this upfront with clearly articulated scopes of work and specifications.   

The next most common issue is getting paid. If you're a creator, you can help yourself by doing two things: retaining intellectual property ownership until the content is both approved and paid for. Don't even give them a license until they have fully paid for it. Next, break up the deliverables, approvals, and payments into smaller chunks. Don't move on to the next until you're paid for the last.

Content Creator Stack
  • 3 day money back guarantee
  • Includes detailed instructions
  • Option to add attorney review later
Attorney Review - $450
  • Detailed attorney review + feedback

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Content Creator Stack

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Why is it important

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